d'un fils de nazis
“Je suis né en 1937. Mon père, duquel je me souviens si peu, à part cette image où je le vois me prenant dans ses bras et me soulevant très haut dans les airs, est mort dans un accident de voiture quelques mois avant la déclaration de la guerre. Petit, il paraît que je ne cessais de le réclamer lorsqu’il était au travail, ma mère, elle, en était très fière, car il comptait parmi les hautes autorités du Parti, faisant de nous une famille respectée ...”
La première partie de ces ‘Mémoires’ est le texte de l’auteur le plus largement diffusé dans le monde. Il a paru dans des revues littéraires en français (l’Autre Journal, le Bulletin de la Fondation Auschwitz, Les Cahiers du Sens, etc.), en anglais, toujours dans sa propre version, aussi bien aux Etats-Unis, qu’au Canada, en Grande Bretagne et en Inde , réédité à plusieurs reprises, ainsi qu’en traduction italienne, allemande , grecque, turque et polonaise. En août 2014, ce même texte a été pré-sélectionné, sous le titre de 'Venitian Thresholds', par l'American Gem and Filmmakers Literary Festival.
Published by l'Aleph in November 2013
2009 BOOK AWARDS www.indieexcellence.com
Multicultural Fiction Finalist
Shalom Tower Syndrome was also a Finalist in the "Fiction & Literature"category at
The National Best Books 2007 Awards.
It was also released in 2008 in Italian by Edizioni Fabio Croce
The novel is set in Israel. Alexis, who grew up in Rwanda-Burundi, is the son of an Italian Jew and a beautiful mulatto woman. As a young adult, he now queries the complexity of his roots: African-European and Judeo-Christian (his mother was raised a Catholic). The author guides the reader through a progression of exciting and complicated episodes involving Alexis. With his American wife he will vacation in Israel, and that stay will be a turning point in his life. The past catches up with him, exploding with the images of one man's life kaleidoscope: the memories of his African years, colliding with the more recent images of Milan, the smells, the colors and the primeval beauty of the black continent, mingling with those of Italy, as well as with the violent feelings Israel stirs in him. In that dense and haunting atmosphere he will meet young Israelis, a Palestinian and a German professor, the nephew of a Nazi soldier who died during WWII. Will Alexis finally reconcile himself with the conflicting parts of his identity? Will he feel more African or more European; more Catholic or more Jewish; or will his new environment help him find peace within himself, in spite of the country’s current dangers? The ‘mystery’ will unravel in the last chapter of this largely autobiographical novel. ‘There is a type of novel whose aim, as Jonathan Swift wrote of his intention behind Gulliver's Travels, is to “vex the world rather than divert it.” If it's a good and true novel then it will inevitably also serve both as a vexatious testament and a diverting read. Such is Albert Russo's I-sraeli Syndrome.
I-sraeli Syndrome is very much a biography of the soul, and as much as that of any latter-day Harry Haller, and Russo seems to have dredged in its pages the depths of his own being in order to have written it.’
David Alexander
Excerpt from James Baldwin's letter to the author, penned the year of his death: “I like your work very much indeed. It has a very gentle surface and a savage under-tow. You're a dangerous man.”
See the author's own French version entitled LA TOUR SHALOM, published by Editions Hors Commerce in 2005 . SHALOM TOWER SYNDROME was also published in Italian in 2008 by Libreria Edizioni Croce
in Montauk, Long Island, New York
Sang mêlé
Le grand roman
d'Albert Russo
Editions France Loisirs
Some of my photos were exhibited at the
Museum of Photography in Lausanne, Switzerland, in Times Square (NYC), at the Louvre Museum, the Pierre Cardin Space, both in Paris, and in Venice
Quelques unes de mes photos ont été exposées au
Musée de l'Elysée à Lausanne, à Times Square, au Louvre, à l'espace Cardin à Paris et à Venise
A trilogy of Albert Russo’s
African novels set in
the former Belgian Congo
and Rwanda-Urundi
XLibris - English
- Lettre de James Balwin à Albert Russo à propos de 'Sang Mêlé ':
“... J’aime votre écriture, car dans un style policé vous exprimez des sentiments violents, faisant éclater des vérités terrifiantes.”
- Voici ce que le grand écrivain contemporain, Edmund White, l'auteur de la magistrale biographie de Jean Genet et de romans à succès, dit de SANG MELE :
"Albert Russo a su recréer, à travers les joies et les angoisses d'un jeune métis congolais, les tensions de la vie moderne, qu'il s'agisse des relations entre noirs et blancs, entre le Tiers monde et nos sociétés technologiquement avancées, ou de la question toujours épineuse de l'homosexualité ... SANG MELE est un roman que l'on ne lache pas, tel quel, il est envoûtant."
The Norwegian Public Schools have chosen Albert Russo's poem LOST IDENTITY for their students' (close to 2,000) final English examinations, before they can enter university.
City of lovers / of wonder
Parie la Grosse Pomme
Indie excellence finalist
Both books lauded by the Mayor of New York City
New York at heart
New York au coeur
Indie excellence finalist
Body glorious /
Corps à corps
Books And Authors 2008 WINNER
Indie excellence finalist
Photolaureate 2009
Ville d’Avray, France
in his NYC apartment
in Montauk, Long Island,
New York
Bruxelles au galop
Brussels Ride
All photos and English book covers are by /
Toutes les photos et couvertures de livres en anglais sont de /
VIEWbug rockstar award
twilight in Venice
Svalbard, North Pole
and Peer awards
The ViewBug team has chosen one of your B&W images for inclusion in our Black & White Masterpieces photo contest! We thought your image was perfect. Your selected photo is:
Rockstar award for tropical flowers in TLV
VIEWBUG Trendsetting:
2. Singer Salit Fridman
and friend, Tel Aviv
aging among the fish
with Congolese friends
with the Director
of the philantropic Sarvodaya
in Sri Lanka
receiving the British Diversity Award in London, United Kingdom
with Director Mr M'Bow and African friends
acting in Paris theater
with French actress Suzanne Flon
in Brugge, Belgium
in Milan, Italy
New York University
in Berlin, Germany
in Laeken, Belgium
presenting his first book on television
in Palma de Mallorca, Spain
jiving with his little sister in Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi
with his beloved mother in front of lake Kivu, Eastern Congo
in Kobe, Japan
in Sion, Switzerland
with his cousin Reggie in Rhodesia / Zimbabwe
with his parents in
Cape Town, South Africa
35Awards - Moscow
Bryggen: Bergen, Norway
Halong Bay - Vietnam
Valencia sand art - Spain
Some of Albert Russo's websites
Photography websites
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