1. 2018 Viewbug Community Choice Award


       d'un fils de nazis


“Je suis né en 1937. Mon père, duquel je me souviens si peu, à part cette image où je le vois me prenant dans ses bras et me soulevant très haut dans les airs, est mort dans un accident de voiture quelques mois avant la déclaration de la guerre. Petit, il paraît que je ne cessais de le réclamer lorsqu’il était au travail, ma mère, elle, en était très fière, car il comptait parmi les hautes autorités du Parti, faisant de nous une famille respectée ...”


La première partie de ces ‘Mémoires’ est le texte de l’auteur le plus largement diffusé dans le monde. Il a paru dans des revues littéraires en français (l’Autre Journal, le Bulletin de la Fondation Auschwitz, Les Cahiers du Sens, etc.), en anglais, toujours dans sa propre version, aussi bien aux Etats-Unis, qu’au Canada, en Grande Bretagne et en Inde , réédité à plusieurs reprises, ainsi qu’en traduction italienne, allemande , grecque, turque et polonaise. En août 2014, ce même texte a été pré-sélectionné, sous le titre de 'Venitian Thresholds', par l'American Gem and Filmmakers Literary Festival.





Published by l'Aleph in November 2013


2009 BOOK AWARDS www.indieexcellence.com

Multicultural Fiction Finalist




Shalom Tower Syndrome was also a Finalist in the "Fiction & Literature"category at 

The National Best Books 2007 Awards.

It was also released in 2008 in Italian by Edizioni Fabio Croce

The novel is set in Israel. Alexis, who grew up in Rwanda-Burundi, is the son of an Italian Jew and a beautiful mulatto woman. As a young adult, he now queries the complexity of his roots: African-European and Judeo-Christian (his mother was raised a Catholic). The author guides the reader through a progression of exciting and complicated episodes involving Alexis. With his American wife he will vacation in Israel, and that stay will be a turning point in his life. The past catches up with him, exploding with the images of one man's life kaleidoscope: the memories of his African years, colliding with the more recent images of Milan, the smells, the colors and the primeval beauty of the black continent, mingling with those of Italy, as well as with the violent feelings Israel stirs in him. In that dense and haunting atmosphere he will meet young Israelis, a Palestinian and a German professor, the nephew of a Nazi soldier who died during WWII. Will Alexis finally reconcile himself with the conflicting parts of his identity? Will he feel more African or more European; more Catholic or more Jewish; or will his new environment help him find peace within himself, in spite of the country’s current dangers? The ‘mystery’ will unravel in the last chapter of this largely autobiographical novel. ‘There is a type of novel whose aim, as Jonathan Swift wrote of his intention behind Gulliver's Travels, is to “vex the world rather than divert it.” If it's a good and true novel then it will inevitably also serve both as a vexatious testament and a diverting read. Such is Albert Russo's I-sraeli Syndrome.

I-sraeli Syndrome is very much a biography of the soul, and as much as that of any latter-day Harry Haller, and Russo seems to have dredged in its pages the depths of his own being in order to have written it.’ 

                          David Alexander                              


Excerpt from James Baldwin's letter to the author, penned the year of his death: “I like your work very much indeed. It has a very gentle surface and a savage under-tow. You're a dangerous man.”

See the author's own French version entitled LA TOUR SHALOM, published by Editions Hors Commerce in 2005 . SHALOM TOWER SYNDROME was also published in Italian in 2008 by Libreria Edizioni Croce

Albert RUSSO

in Montauk, Long Island, New York



Sang mêlé

Le grand roman

d'Albert Russo


Ginkgo Editeur 

Diffusion/distribution CDE/Sodis





Editions France Loisirs


Some of my photos were exhibited at the

Museum of Photography in Lausanne, Switzerland, in Times Square (NYC), at the Louvre Museum, the Pierre Cardin Space, both in Paris, and in Venice


Quelques unes de mes photos ont été exposées au

Musée de l'Elysée à Lausanne, à Times Square, au Louvre, à l'espace Cardin à Paris et à Venise








A trilogy of Albert Russo’s



African novels set in

the former Belgian Congo

and Rwanda-Urundi






XLibris - English

- Lettre de James Balwin à Albert Russo à propos de 'Sang Mêlé ':


“... J’aime votre écriture, car dans un style policé vous exprimez des sentiments violents, faisant éclater des vérités terrifiantes.”


- Voici ce que le grand écrivain contemporain, Edmund White, l'auteur de la magistrale biographie de Jean Genet et de romans à succès, dit de SANG MELE :


"Albert Russo a su recréer, à travers les joies et les angoisses d'un jeune métis congolais, les tensions de la vie moderne, qu'il s'agisse des relations entre noirs et blancs, entre le Tiers monde et nos sociétés technologiquement avancées, ou de la question toujours épineuse de l'homosexualité ...  SANG MELE est un roman que l'on ne lache pas, tel quel, il est envoûtant."




The Norwegian Public Schools have chosen Albert Russo's poem LOST IDENTITY for their students' (close to 2,000) final English examinations, before they can enter university.


tell me what to do
tell me where to go
am I losing my bearings?
why are you still
by my side?
I don’t recognize you anymore
I can’t remember
the good times
they seem to have dissolved
into a slipstream
give me your hand
I want to feel its pulse
I’m suddenly so cold inside
and terribly spare
because it is not you
I’ve become a stranger to
but myself 


City of lovers / of wonder

Parie la Grosse Pomme

Indie excellence finalist


Both books lauded by the Mayor of New York City



New York at heart

New York au coeur


Indie excellence finalist




Body glorious /

Corps à corps


Books And Authors 2008 WINNER


Indie excellence finalist



Photolaureate 2009


Ville d’Avray, France

Albert Russo

in his NYC apartment


in Montauk, Long Island,

            New York







Bruxelles au galop

Brussels Ride





All photos  and  English book covers are by /


Toutes les photos et couvertures de livres en anglais sont de /



Featured Artist



VIEWbug rockstar award


twilight in Venice

Svalbard, North Pole


and Peer awards


The ViewBug team has chosen one of your B&W images for inclusion in our Black & White Masterpieces photo contest! We thought your image was perfect. Your selected photo is:



Rockstar award for tropical flowers in TLV


VIEWBUG Trendsetting:

  1.  Benoît



2. Singer Salit Fridman

and friend, Tel Aviv





   A L B ER T    R U S S O



     aging among the fish


  with Congolese friends


with the Director

of the philantropic  Sarvodaya

in Sri Lanka



receiving the British    Diversity Award in  London, United Kingdom



           at UNESCO

 with Director Mr M'Bow  and African friends



  acting in Paris theater




     with French actress                Suzanne Flon



     in Brugge, Belgium



in Milan, Italy



New York University


     in Berlin, Germany


     in Laeken, Belgium


presenting his first book  on television



in Palma de Mallorca,   Spain


jiving with his little  sister in Usumbura,  Ruanda-Urundi


with his beloved mother in front of lake Kivu, Eastern Congo


in Kobe, Japan


in Sion, Switzerland


with his cousin Reggie in  Rhodesia / Zimbabwe


      with his parents in

Cape Town, South Africa

  1. Best Israeli photographer

      35Awards - Moscow


Bryggen: Bergen, Norway

Halong Bay - Vietnam


Valencia sand art - Spain



Palmarès du Concours Europoésie UNICEF 2013 Awards

Conte et Nouvelle / poetic prose
1er Prix / First Prize: RUSSO Albert

                Vengeance par procuration / Revenge by Proxy 


Chercheurs et étudiants en littérature peuvent désormais

consulter le Fonds littéraire Albert Russo: 


Researchers and students of literature may now

access the Albert Russo Literary Archives

in Brussels, Belgium, the capital of the European Union:




Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier

Boulevard de l'Empereur 4

1000 Bruxelles - Belgique




search / rechercher: Auteur Albert Russo

  1.              http://www.aml-cfwb.be/rechercher/catalogue









Albert Russo’s hilarious new Zapinette sequel




co-published by Poets Printery (South Africa) and Cyberwit.net (India)

Before they left Paris, clicking on Facenicked, Linkadingdong, Teenyweeny  and meyou indatub, Unky Berky had learnt that he had three distant cousins in South Africa, whose Huguenot forebears had fled France during the religious wars.  Afrer a brief exchange of tectronic messages, they all wished to meet their Camembert relatives so as to catch up on the Révolution Française that beheaded poor Louis XVI and his Marie-Toilette, on why the Concorde had become a museum bird, on whether the French still ate froggies’ legs, on the price of the baguette, and so fork and to hell and gone.   

There was Kif, who lived with his family, on a big farmstead in the boorish State of Orange, Tuk, a hairdresser who worked in a posh Durban beauty parlor, and Suzy, an old spinster, who acted as a nurse in a poor Malay neighborhood of Cape Town - the poor lassie had been raped several times on her way to the hospital, but was never killed, thank Goddess Holy Shiva, for she seemed to be a tough cookie, tho a bit smashed downstairs.  And here, Zapy and her uncle would have to assist her in helping battered wives recover from their wounds and giving them hope again ... in court!  

That was then what our ‘fortunate’ winners would discover in the Rainbow Nation. Bon voyage! so say the Frogs, and bon voyage to all of you, readers, dwellers of this here sorry planet of ours, full of carbuncles: all these ills have been caused, to a great extent, by you, gas guzzlers, gobblers of junk food, ozone destroyers - hey, hey, don’t look at me, it’s Zapy talking here!”







"Boundaries of Exile / Conditions of Hope" has placed as a FINALIST in the "Miscellaneous" category.




by Albert Russo and Martin Tucker

Stories - Poems - Essays

Confrontation Press (Long Island University)


162 pages - ISBN 978-0-913057-56-8


orders : Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, or preferably, directly through: 


Confrontation Press, English Dept, 

C.W.Post of Long Island University 

Brookville, NY 11548 - USA


email: martin.tucker@liu.edu - tel 516-299-2720

URL: www.confrontationmagazine.org











THE BLACK ANCESTOR  a novel by Albert Russo

Imago Press - 218 pages - softcover: $ 15 or GBP 11.99


Léodine l'Africaine by Albert Russo, éditions gingko-éditeur, the author’s French version of The Black Ancestor, Imago Press, USA, was nominated for Belgium’s highest literary prize, the Prix Victor Rossel 2012.


ISBN-13: 978-1-935437-05-5 (hardcover) - $ 22; GBP 15.99  (online orders only)

ISBN-10: 1-935437-05-4 (hardcover)

ISBN-13: 978-1-935437-03-1 (pbk.) -       $ 15; GPB 11.99

ISBN-10: 1-935437-03-8 (pbk.)

1. Americans—Africa—Fiction. 2. Racially mixed children. 3. Identity

(Psychology) 4. Congo (Democratic Republic)


Orders: Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, etc, or directly through:


Imago Press

3710 East Edison

Tucson AZ 85716 - USA


email: ljoiner@dakotacom.net - tel. 520-327-0540








Featured Photographer Chinese children

Photography Vibes - Best of edition 2009



included in the new book









Mermaids of the Baltic Sea

Saint Petersburg, Talinn, Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Bergen, Oslo

winner of the 2011 National Indie Excellence awards

 in General Photography
Albert Russo
Blurb, Inc.



























Photos: Albert Russo















Photos: Albert Russo
















Shalom Tower Syndrome

ISBN Hardcover 978-1-4257-7726-5
ISBN Softcover 978-1-4257-7703-6
To order this book: Website: www.xlibris.com
Email: Orders@Xlibris.com
Telephone: 1.888.795.4274 x 276 or 215.923.4686
Postal mail: Xlibris Corporation, 2 International Plaza, suite 340 - Philadelphia, PA 19113 USA or go directly to Albert Russo’s books:

The novel is set in Israel. Alexis, who grew up in Rwanda-Urundi, is the son of an Italian Jew and a beautiful mulatto woman. As a young adult, he now queries (Albert: do you really mean “ponders over”? To query is usually an expression of doubt.) the complexity of his roots: African-European and Judeo-Christian (his mother was raised a Catholic). The author guides the reader through a progression of exciting and complicated episodes involving Alexis. With his American wife he will vacation in Israel, and that stay will be a turning point in his life. The past catches up with him, exploding with the images of one man's life kaleidoscope: the memories of his African years, colliding with the more recent images of Milan, the smells, the colors and the primeval beauty of the black continent, mingling with those of Italy, as well as with the violent feelings Israel stirs in him. In that dense and haunting atmosphere he will meet young Israelis, a Palestinian and a German professor, the nephew of a Nazi soldier who died during WWII. Will Alexis finally reconcile himself with the conflicting parts of his identity? Will he feel more African or more European; more Catholic or more Jewish; or will his new environment help him find peace within himself, in spite of the country’s current dangers? The ‘mystery’ will unravel in the last chapter of this largely autobiographical novel. ‘There is a type of novel whose aim, as Jonathan Swift wrote of his intention behind Gulliver's Travels, is to “vex the world rather than divert it.” If it's a good and true novel then it will inevitably also serve both as a vexatious testament and a diverting read. Such is Albert Russo's Shalom Tower Syndrome. Shalom Tower Syndrome shares attributes with Eric Ambler's tales of “innocents abroad,” but it also shares a great deal with those 19th and early 20th century authors of the roman à clef, “romances with a key,” especially those penetratingly insightful books and stories written by the Swiss novelist Hermann Hesse that Hesse dubbed Seelenbiographie or “biographies of the soul.” Shalom Tower Syndrome is very much a biography of the soul, and as much as that of any latter-day Harry Haller, and Russo seems to have dredged in its pages the depths of his own being in order to have written it.’

                                                                                        David Alexander


Excerpt from James Baldwin's letter to the author, penned the year of his death: “I like your work very much indeed. It has a very gentle surface and a savage under-tow. You're a dangerous man.



” See the author's own French version entitled LA TOUR SHALOM, published by Editions Hors Commerce in 2005 .


Existe en version française : Voir détail Onglet Navigateur en haut  à gauche : « BOOKS I / LIVRES I » "La Tour Shalom »


Versione italiana della "Shalom Tower Syndrome" romanica : Vedere tabuli navigatore in cima, sulla sinistra « LIBRI IN ITALIANO »


Sang Mêlé ou ton fils Léopold

roman d'Albert Russo Ginkgo éditions, Paris, 2007 (diffusion/distribution CDE/Sodis - groupe Gallimard)


“Au Congo belge, dans les années 50, Léo est adopté par Harry Wilson, américain en mal de paternité. Celui-ci et sa servante, Mama Malkia, opulente africaine au coeur d’or, comblent Léo d’affection. Bientôt, il va à l’école dans un établissement pour Européens. Le jeune métis, en proie aux moqueries de ses camarades blancs, se sent exclus, rejeté. Ni tout à fait blanc, ni tout à fait noir. Il se noue d’amitié avec Ishaya, petit juif, qui devient son plus grand complice. Puis, il fait l’apprentissage de la vie. Entraîné par un copain plus âgé dans une maison close, il fait une désastreuse initiation amoureuse. Il apprend, lors d’une scène violente, l’homosexualité de son père adoptif. Ce beau roman, dominé par Léo, jeune métis, traite en profondeur de la difficulté à vivre sa différence. Rare témoignage sur l’époque coloniale, Albert Russo décrit dans un style soutenu, des personnages sincères, des sentiments intenses. Un livre poignant, réaliste et fort. Une vraie réussite.”  


Lettre de James Balwin à Albert Russo à propos de 'Sang Mêlé ':


“... J’aime votre écriture, car dans un style policé vous exprimez des sentiments violents, faisant éclater des vérités terrifiantes.”


- Voici ce que le grand écrivain contemporain, Edmund White, l'auteur de la magistrale biographie de Jean Genet et de romans à succès, dit de SANG MELE:


"Albert Russo a su recréer, à travers les joies et les angoisses d'un jeune métis congolais, les tensions de la vie moderne, qu'il s'agisse des relations entre noirs et blancs, entre le Tiers monde et nos sociétés technologiquement avancées, ou de la question toujours épineuse de l'homosexualité ...  SANG MELE est un roman que l'on ne lache pas, tel quel, il est envoûtant." 

Coniglio Editore - Italiano     Editions France Loisirs - Français


Versione italiana della "Sang mêlé" romanica :  Vedere tabuli navigatore in cima, sulla sinistra « LIBRI IN ITALIANO » - “Sangue misto”



Gaytude : a poetic journey around the world


Bilingual poetry, written, translated and adapted 

by Albert Russo and Adam Donaldson Powell ;

with photography by Albert Russo.



Published by Xlibris Corporation - www.Xlibris.com 

Copyright © 2009 by Albert Russo and Adam Donaldson Powell. 

Most of Albert Russo’s poems in French first appeared in Tour du monde de la poésie gay, Editions Hors Commerce, Paris, 2005.     

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008907964 

ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4363-6396-9       ISBN: Softcover  978-1-4363-6395-2 


To order this book, contact: phone: (US) 1-888-795-4274 - email: Orders@Xlibris.com



Gaytude is a poetic study of both the universality and the diversity of gay experience ... an experience of confluence whereby individual love, lust and identity are constantly in tandem and conflict with collective mores, customs, codes and trends.  In a sense, we are all gay ... inasmuch as we all seek the right to be different, as well as to be the same.  For some, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is recognition and acceptance ; and for others it is perhaps the excitement of covert intimacy and adventure.  This book is dedicated to all gays, including those who flaunt their sexual orientation freely and those who still remain secretive or inactive due to still ongoing risks of abuse, harassment and execution.

One day, men all over the world will be able to proudly quote from Catullus 16 - this time with pride and loving spirit: “Pedicabo ego vos et  irrumabo” .





born in 1961 in Kimberly, South Africa

by Albert Russo




In this land where diamonds

were once extracted with blood,

the rainbow revolution

has swept away apartheid.

My father, a true-to-God Afrikaner,

oh so ferocious in his convictions,

was still not able to understand why

the splendid race to which he belongs,

that of the former masters,

for which his ancestors fought so hard,

became a minority in this country.

He also believed he could cure me

of that shameful "weakness" of character which,

“dishonors” the stronger sex, and

today he looks at me with eyes filled with hatred :

“I gave you everything,“ he then exclaims,

“and you betrayed me, not once, but three times.

You approve of this government of niggers,

then too, you dare to strut along with this Singh,

this Indian who is ten years older than you -

but in what muck do we live, pray tell me ?“

yet, every day which passes, my love for Singh

becomes stronger,

and now I feel free to say, loud and clear,

here is my lover, a gesture which

a few years ago would have sent us both to prison,

and with the days that pass

my father moves just a little closer to the hell

he has been threatening me with





by Adam Donaldson Powell


To friends who don’t know

And strangers who do not care,

Soldiers of love worship

Tinsel-town sex goddesses

With all their strength.

They thrive outwardly on

The rantings of Madonna and

Privately soothe their pain

And hopelessness with sombre

Strains by Leonard Cohen.

Their greatest ambition is

To shake the shackles of shame

Which imprison and threaten

Them with the most undignified

Fate of all : namelessness.

To some there is no irony in death,

But others are enraged at the

Uncanny plight of these handsome

Living dead, whose only crime was

Need for love and recognition.






Gaytude : tour du monde poétique


Poésie bilingue, écrite, traduite et adaptée par Albert Russo et Adam Donaldson Powell ;

avec photographies d’Albert Russo.


Published by Xlibris Corporation - www.Xlibris.com 

Copyright © 2009 by Albert Russo and Adam Donaldson Powell. 

Most of Albert Russo’s poems in French first appeared in Tour du monde de la poésie gay, Editions Hors Commerce, Paris, 2005.     

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008907964 

ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4363-6396-9       ISBN: Softcover  978-1-4363-6395-2 


To order this book, contact: phone: (US) 1-888-795-4274 - email: Orders@Xlibris.com





La première étude de l'homme qui veut être poète est sa propre connaissance, entière. Il cherche son âme, il l'inspecte, il la tente, l'apprend. Dès qu'il la sait, il la doit cultiver. Je dis qu'il faut être voyant, se faire voyant.  Le poète se fait voyant par un long, immense et raisonné dérèglement de tous les sens. Toutes les formes d'amour, de souffrance, de folie ; il cherche lui-même, il épuise en lui tous les poisons, pour n'en garder que les quintessences. Ineffable torture où il a besoin de toute la foi, de toute la force surhumaine, où il devient entre tous le grand malade, le grand criminel, le grand maudit, et le suprême Savant !  Car il arrive à l'inconnu ! ... Donc le poète est vraiment voleur de feu.     

- Arthur Rimbaud                                                                                                              


Gaytude est une vision poétique, tant de la diversité, que de l’universalité de l’expérience gay ... elle est la confluence dans laquelle l’amour individuel, le désir et l’identité, sont à la fois, constamment en tandem et en conflit avec les moeurs, les coutumes, les codes de conduite et les tendances de la société.  D’une certaine manière, nous sommes tous gay ... dans la mesure où nous voulons tous jouïr du droit d’être différent, et en même temps, de rester ce que nous sommes essentiellement.  Pour certains, la plus belle chose qui soit au monde est la reconnaissance et l’acceptation, pour d’autres, c’est l’aventure qui prime, l’excitation d’une intimité secrète.  Ce livre est dédié à tous les gays de la terre, aussi bien à ceux qui proclament haut et fort leur homosexualité, qu’à ceux qui ne la mettent pas en avant, ou qui la cachent, de peur d’être pointés du doigts, de subir quolibets et agressions, voire pire, de se faire emprisonner, fouetter ou même tuer, dans ces pays, encore si nombreux, aux régimes régressifs, qui les considèrent encore comme des malades ou des criminels. Un jour, les gays du monde entier pourront citer Catulle sans rougir : “Pedicabo ego vos et  irrumabo” .





né en 1956 sur l’Ile Maurice

Albert Russo




de beaux oeufs tannés

que l’on gobera crus

une courgette de dimension royale

à la peau douce comme la soie

à cuire avec du mouton

et des patates douces

une botte de cresson

très fournie et très serrée

pour la salade de saison

une mangue bien galbée

d’un jaune tendre

que l’on coupera en quartiers

des bananes langue-de-chat

à servir en purée

ou, à défaut, un avocat très mûr

et toi, mon jeune ami

je te placerai sur un plateau en argent

après t’avoir savonné

de fond en comble

et parfumé à l’eau de rose

tu pourras ainsi trôner

parmi ces appétissants

produits de mon jardin,

le plus délectable

de tous les fruits





Adam Donaldson Powell

adapté de l’anglais par Albert Russo


Notre danse est un rituel ;

Une obsession insensée

Entre deux papillons de nuit

Jouant avec le feu.

Ni chaînes, ni fouet.

Juste une attache ... 

Et les  douces conséquences

De la lame tranchante d’un sabre.






The Benevolent American in the Heart of Darkness


In "The Black Ancestor", the reader will find, as in the two other novels, "Eclipse over Lake Tanganyika" and "Mixed Blood or your son Léopold", many poignant and delightful passages, especially in the journeys across the magnificent Kivu province, which today, along with bordering Rwanda and Burundi, has been scarred by fratricidal wars. That Leodine, in the opening novel, happens to be an adolescent, as was Leopold in "Mixed Blood", isn’t fortuitous, for it is at that vulnerable period of one’s life that one’s personality takes form. In Albert Russo’s Africa you will find humankind’s infinite diversity and, amid such richness, a quest for the deep self.” 


                                                                             Eric Tessier


“Albert Russo has recreated through a young African boy's joys and struggles many of the tensions of modern life, straight and gay, black and white, third world and first ... all of these tensions underlie this story of a biracial child adopted by a benevolent American. Mixed Blood or Your son Leopold is a non-stop, gripping read!"

                                                                            Edmund White


Eclipse over Lake Tanganyika reviewed in WORLD LITERATURE TODAY.


Russo's novel is as interesting and ambiguous as Columbus's journal : every page demonstrates the writer's fascination for the pristine luxuriant Eden-like land and his utter sadness at what havoc men have wreaked on such plentiful beauty: “a décor of papier mâché, which a single spark could incinerate.” Oswald is the Christ of this New African Testament. One scene shows him metaphorically crucified at the hands of his never satisfied lover, who is also, by the way, everyone else's, Damiana Antoniades, the Great Whore of Bujumbura. As the local medic, Oswald performs a few ‘miracles’, but he fails to convert anyone, and finally vanishes with his “plans and ideals”, forsaken in the symbolical flood of a tropical storm, from which he is retrieved by the King of Burundi himself, who was just driving by and handed Oswald a towel for him to dry himself with : "AlI of a sudden Oswald fell out-of-place. He had come all the way from America, full of plans and ideaIs, which seemed to have vanished, swept away by the cloudburst and the Mwami’s unexpected appearance." Once Oswald, the symbolical upholder of ideals, is out of the way, Burundi becomes the realm of crooked politicians, disgruntled white trash and killers, who inscribe on the immaculate landscape an Apocalypse of red and black. The metaphorical “eclipse” of the title is the change from an immaculate majestic blackness “carved in ebony” to the blackness of an evil fed and encouraged by the white colonisation of Africa, whose aftermath extends from the Katanga rebellion in the sixties (the time of the novel) to the Rwandan genocide of the nineties. Albert Russo raises then the ultimate question of the effect of colonialism, a political system in which humaneness (love, tolerance and delight in natural beauty) is eventually dissolved into the disheartening racial equality of greed, contempt and murder.






Norway to Spitzberg

to Spitzberg - 144 pages photos: Albert Russo - Blurb.com
Hardcover / Edition de luxe: $ 40 - 35 € Softcover / Couverture souple: $ 30 - 25 €
The majestic views of the Norwegian fjords and of the polar circle / Les fiords norvégiens et la magie du cercle polaire


See some Photographs in thumb-index Navigator (up to the left) "Gallery / Galerie Photos I"


Voir quelques photos dans onglet  Navigateur en haut à gauche "Gallery / Galerie Photos I" 




Eilat, Petra & Tel Aviv
Albert Russo
Blurb, Inc.


Eilat, Petra & Tel Aviv, the rainbow cities / cités arc-en-ciel Blurb.com

Finalist in the the 2011 National Indie Excellence awards

 in General Photography



Photos & texts by Albert Russo   


Softcover -  édition normale                         $34.95 - € 35

Hardcover, Dust Jacket - édition de luxe   $47.95 - € 48

Hardcover, ImageWrap - édition de luxe   $49.95 - €49


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France: Art, Humour & Nature - Photos: Albert Russo  - 120 pages -  Blurb.com




Softcover - édition normale  $29.95 - € 30 

Hardcover, Dust Jacket  - édition cartonnée  $41.95 - € 42

Hardcover, ImageWrap - édition de luxe        $45.95 - €46


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Noël in / à Paris + Champs Elysées - Photos : Albert Russo

- 80 pages



Softcover - édition normale : $25.95 - €26 Hardcover,   Dust Jacket - édition de luxe -  $36.95 - €37


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Viennese / kaleidoscope / viennois

160 pages -photos: Albert Russo - Blurb.com Hardcover / Edition de luxe: $ 40 - € 35
Softcover / Couverture souple: $ 30 - € 25
Vienna, Austria, the formal imperial capital and the modern city / Vienne, la cité impériale et la ville moderne


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New York at heart / au coeur

Xlibris (USA) Photos by / d’Albert Russo. Published in the USA / Publié aux USA par Xlibris (www.Xlibris.com ) 2007. 80 pages. Softcover / Edition normale - $ 26.99 Hardcover / Edition de luxe - $ 32.99 Xlibris Corporation, 2 International Plaza, suite 340 - Philadelphia, PA 19113 Orders@Xlibris.com  - www.xlibris.com  - Tel:1.888.795.4274 - Fax: 610-915-0294


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City of Lovers - City of Wonder / Paris la Grosse Pomme

- Xlibris (USA) Photos by / d’Albert Russo. Published in the USA / Publié aux USA par Xlibris (www.Xlibris.com ) 2007. 80 pages. Softcover / Edition normale - $ 26.99 Hardcover / Edition de luxe - $ 32.99 Xlibris Corporation, 2 International Plaza, suite 340 - Philadelphia, PA 19113 Orders@Xlibris.com  - www.xlibris.com  - Tel:1.888.795.4274 - Fax: 610-915-0294


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Quirks / Eclats

Photos by / d’Albert Russo, Published in the USA / Publié aux USA par Xlibris (www.Xlibris.com ) 2007. 80 pages. Softcover / Edition normale - $ 26.99 Hardcover / Edition de luxe - $ 32.99 direct order / commande directe: www.xlibris.com/AlbertRusso.html  Xlibris Corporation, 2 International Plaza, suite 340 - Philadelphia, PA 19113 Orders@Xlibris.com  - www.xlibris.com  - Tel:1.888.795.4274 - Fax: 610-915-0294


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Israel at heart / au coeur

Photos by / d’Albert Russo, Published in the USA / Publié aux USA par Xlibris (www.Xlibris.com ) 2007. 80 pages. Softcover / Edition normale - $ 26.99 Hardcover / Edition de luxe - $ 32.99 direct order / commande directe: www.xlibris.com/AlbertRusso.html  Xlibris Corporation, 2 International Plaza, suite 340 - Philadelphia, PA 19113 Orders@Xlibris.com  - www.xlibris.com  - Tel:1.888.795.4274 - Fax: 610-915-0294


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Granada, Ronda & Costa del Sol

Photos by / d’Albert Russo. Published in the USA / Publié aux USA par Xlibris (www.Xlibris.com ) 2007. 80 pages. Softcover / Edition normale - $ 26.99 Hardcover / Edition de luxe - $ 32.99 Xlibris Corporation, 2 International Plaza, suite 340 - Philadelphia, PA 19113 Orders@Xlibris.com  - www.xlibris.com  - Tel:1.888.795.4274 - Fax: 610-915-0294


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Rainbow Nature

- Xlibris (USA) Photos by / d’Albert Russo. Published in the USA / Publié aux USA par Xlibris (www.Xlibris.com) 2007. 80 pages. Softcover / Edition normale - $ 26.99 Hardcover / Edition de luxe - $ 32.99 Xlibris Corporation, 2 International Plaza, suite 340 - Philadelphia, PA 19113 Orders@Xlibris.com  - www.xlibris.com  - Tel:1.888.795.4274 - Fax: 610-915-0294


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Italia Nostra

Xlibris (USA) Photos by / d’Albert Russo. Published in the USA / Publié aux USA par Xlibris (www.Xlibris.com ) 2007. 80 pages. Softcover / Edition normale - $ 26.99 Hardcover / Edition de luxe - $ 32.99 Xlibris Corporation, 2 International Plaza, suite 340 - Philadelphia, PA 19113 Orders@Xlibris.com  - www.xlibris.com  - Tel:1.888.795.4274 - Fax: 610-915-0294


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Body Glorious / Corps à Corps

Photos by / d’Albert Russo. Published in the USA / Publié aux USA par Xlibris (www.Xlibris.com)
2006. 80 pages. Softcover / Edition normale - $ 26.99 Hardcover / Edition de luxe - $ 32.99 direct order / commande directe:


 Xlibris Corporation, 2 International Plaza, suite 340 - Philadelphia, PA 19113 Orders@Xlibris.com  - www.xlibris.com  - Tel:1.888.795.4274 - Fax: 610-915-0294





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Eric, my father's lover

“publication in 2009-2010“ 

